GEKKAN EXILE November 2015 issue
COVER of "Gekkan EXILE" November issue is ...
HiGH & LOW !!!!!!!!!!
An unprecedented new entertainment that EXILE TRIBE challenges is born!
A fierce battle with pride from five teams.
Enemy or allies ... win or lose ....
Starting from Wednesday, October 21,
Nippon Television System late night 25: 29-start
(※ In some areas, the broadcast date is different)
And ...
AKIRA and Masaya Kato appear from the movie "Unfair the end" released on September 5 (Sat)!
We deliver special contents such as the talk betweenJ SOUL BROTHERS III KENJIRO YAMASHITA and George Tokoro!
Not to mention the serialization of EXILE members, of course, there are lots of members that can only be seen in the Gekkan EXILE ☆
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